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A few missing days

I know I am a little behind writing this entry, so am actually going to miss a few days and write this for the last couple of days.... I will catch up honest. I will blame my lack of entry on the fact that my phone and my tablet don't seem to want to talk nicely to my blog. In fact it writes every word twice for me to then have to delete... ...slightly time consuming...

I had a rest day before day 11 having reached Swanage at the end of day 10 and meeting up with my sister and her family. I had a lovely family day at Studland Beach.

Day 11 (25th July)

Leaving for day 11 was hard saying goodbye to the family and cycling off. I miss them all already.

The cycling was one of the toughest I had done so far... Partly due to the emotions of the day but also partly due to the Hills.

I had planned a route but decided to divert, as was a little unsure if a path would actually be suitable for me to use. Therefore my journey took me to Coorfe, where I hadn't planned to be. Initially slightly frustrated by the diversion, however this soon vanished as i was turning a corner and suddenly heard my name being called. Who was there but Natalie, my ex colleague, who is also mad about all things cycling. Was so lovely to see her and her New Husband. Congratulations guys. L

Off I go on my way and begin the climb over the hills to Tyneham.. .. only the road is shut. ..I arrived one day to early for them to be on the summer stretch... .another place to pop back and see sometime. Off I go on my way and begin the climb over the hills to Tyneham.. .. only the road is shut. ..I arrived one day to early for them to be on the summer stretch... .another place to pop back and see sometime.

Onwards and literally upwards.. .. well actually up and down on a continuous cycle into Lulworth cove and up to Durdle Door. .. beautiful and time for lunch.. .. except the sandwich place is out of sandwiches. ... so that would be hotdog then- haven't had one for years and if I am honest hopefully won't have another for many years to come. ..not my favourite. Still the assistant was lovely and donated all the her change to the charity and got me a black coffee.

It may not be quite the lunch I was expecting but it energised me enough to plough onto Weymouth and Portland the hills is all I can say the views were amazing but that Hill.... Just shouldn't be allowed.. still perfect excuse for an ice cream.. .thankfully the route back up was a lot more gentle. I cycled back to Weymouth where I was staying in a hostel. An interesting evening.. .. for various reasons shall leave you questioning why🤔😄

Miles 56.70

Climbing 1096m

Max temp 31

Day 12 (26th July) , well I thought the Hills were bad yesterday but today was just exceptional.. . .. it didn't really help that I started out the wrong way and ended up climbing an additional hill... but that was small in comparison to what was coming. ... Abbotsbury Hill really was something else (realised after that there was a more coastal route which was probably flatter) still I would love to say I made it but I did have to get off and have a little push..or you could look at it like I wanted to see the View. I met Alex inthe layby he was passing time waiting for his sails to be finished off . He is restoring a sailing yacht currently moored at Portsmouth and will be taking it out for it's first trip in many years this month, gradually getting ready for a trip round-well whereever he decides. It was great to have a chat and think about how nice it is not to be tied to the normal grinds of life and work. I must admit I did wonder why I hadn't got into a sport that was easier on my leg and meant I didn't have to keep ploughing up hills with all my gear. 😀😂

After enough delaying tactics it was time to move on, enjoying some nice little country roads it was back on the main road and up another horrible climb.. .. ended up walking after popping up on the kerb to get out the cars way and getting myself stuck. It was a horrible experience and I was glad to be off the road and onto quieter roads to go through Axmouth (a beautiful little Harbour) before heading onto Sidmouth via the coast (well almost) after a quick look around it was time to head onto Newton Poppet and my first Warm Showers experience. For those who haven't heard of this it is an organisation where cyclists put up other cyclists for a night. It does feel a little random walking up to a strangers door and then staying with them, but I have to say my hosts were amazing and Immediately put me at ease. I was well looked after and had a really lovely meal. Colin even checked out the bike for me and helped with my route the next day. I was glad to find my bed that night after 1600m of climbing the legs were a little fatigued,that's the equivalent of a of going a mile straight up.

miles 55.92

climbing 1626m

max temp 31

Day 13 (27th July) I had a lovely ride today after the hills the day before a much more gentle ride for the morning at least.

A nice ride out to Budleigh Salterton along the coast and onto Exmouth, where it was a few miles inland up the estuary to the crossing point. The track was lovely and it was different to be going up the side of the estuary. It was straight back down the otherside towards Dawlish. As I stopped for lunch at Cockwood I experienced my first bit of rain, thankfully it didn't last long. From Dawlish, after a little cycle along the sea wall and back it was on toto Teignmouth and cross country to my cousins where I was staying for the night. Of course I had hit the hills again and was pleased to reach my destination, not least as it is a good few years since I had caught up with Faith. It was a great evening and lovely to have some time with her.

miles 44.31

climbing 760

temp max 23

Day 1414(July 28th)

Well this day involves a whole new story not only of hills, closed roads but of torrential rain. The morning was beautiful and I had an escort up the hill, she beat me . I seemed to be struggling, my legs did not want to get moving and I seemed to be navigationally challenged. However after a while I settled into my stride ... well as much as the headwind would allow. I headed to the front Torbay, on to Paignton and through to Kingswear where I caught the ferry to Dartmouth. Off up a couple hills and through Blackpool sands (what a hill) to Strete. The plan being to head to Slapton and then to Salcombe. My plan was slightly foiled as the road was shut, due to it having been partly washed away in the storms earlier in the year. At the same time the heavens opened and the wind started up. Already drenched it was back up the hill and after lots of trying to figure things out I decided to head straight for the B&B. The rain was relentless and I have not felt such hard rain in a long time. I was grateful to eventually find the B&B, but not before I had a few shouts into the rain and almost dissolving in tears wondering why I was trying to do this.

It's amazing what a hot bath and putting on some dry clothes can do. It was not so great I had managed to put the internet code in to my phone incorrectly and couldn't get contact anyone.

It was then I met Andrew a fellow guest at the B&B, who kindly offered to drive me to find some reception so I could at least let people know I was alive and then later we went into Salcombe for some food. A really lovely if slightly random evening. I love this trip for those experiences. Meeting people and getting chatting along the way. I know that not everyone I meet will be friendly and welcoming but that has been my experience so far. It can be so easy to be cynical.

miles 39.9

climbing 1132 m

max temp 26, min 11

Day 15 (29th July)

The weather forecast was awful for today and therefore I made a bit of a decision to not continue today. Thankfully the B&B can have me for another night and I managed to change the next few days back by a day or two. It wasn't so much the rain putting me off as the high winds. Still it was meant to clear later in the day, so my plan was to go back and do the bits missed yesterday. After a relaxing morning looking at routes I set out. The weather appeared to have cleared up and I was looking forward to seeing Slapton and the Tank from WW11. About 10 minutes out, the heavens opened and I was soaked again. It rained for pretty much the rest of the ride only clearing up for the last 40 minutes or so. I carried on regardless I was wet now anyway. Slapton was a little miserable looking in the mist and rains but I am glad I made it. Important to remember those who lost their lives there. After Slapton I went round the coast over to East Portlemouth where I caught the ferry over to Salcombe, when I say Ferry I actually small boat, before heading back to B&B - love goggle directions sometimes. . . .the hill it sent sent me up was unbelievable and unnecessary, so I gradually made my way back to the main road and continued.

After drying off and having a bit of chill time, it was time for dinner. Andrew kindly offered to drive out to a pub at Bantham, where after a short wonder round the beach, dinner was very welcome. It was great to have company for dinner again. Thank Andrew for your kindness and generosity, it was lovely to meet you.

Miles 23.71

Climbing 660m

Max Temp 17, Mon Temp 13

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