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I made it to Wales

YWith the amazing help of my Dad I've made it to Wales something that seemed almost impossible a few days ago I can't believe how much progress I've made in a short time.

View from the bridge (and a bit of my finger)

Day 24 (8th August) Barnstaple to just outside Bridgewater. Miles cycled 71.65 Metres climbed 1883.

This morning started by saying Happy Birthday to Thomas, thanks for letting me invade your birthday morning. Dad had driven down to spend a couple of days with me to help me push on a little bit further. It was great to see him and have his support over what was going to be a tough few miles. We loaded everything into the cars and drove back towards Barnstaple where after a very quick rain shower (I got soaked 😭) we set out on the bikes heading towards the Tarka Trail and Ilfracombe. It was great to have a cycling partner for a little while and have a chat whilst cycling along. It was a little bit busy at times but we eventually managed to find a way through to Ilfracombe and on to Combe Martin down a very steep hill. After a couple of stops for photos and to get a pasty at the bottom to carry with us for lunch a little later (it was kind of bizarre trying to figure out how to transport a warm pasty at one point it was acting as a hot water bottle for my back) .

We set out from Combe Martin up what was a very long hill, it just seemed to be never ending. It must be one of the longest that I have climbed since being on the trip, but we both survived. The top of the hill did eventually arrive and it was at this point I said goodbye to Dad, who started back to the car whilst I carried on up the route on the A39 towards Lynton and Lynmouth, having arranged to meet him later. It was a very beautiful descent - very beautiful but pretty tricky and at points quite terrifying. I was really pleased I had my brakes checked the day before 😁. Of course going down means I have to go back up the other side. Food was necessary first so I enjoyed a quick stop in Lynmouth itself - mainly because I'd seen the start of the hill that I had then had to climb. The pasty was fab and full of sustenance I set off up the 25, 20 and 12% inclines that are involved in the constant climb up onto Exmoor, the scenery was beautiful but I wasn't stopping to take photos. It was pretty much all I could do to keep moving. Cycling along the top once I had eventually reached it was stunning but I knew Porlock was coming. I was pleased I was going down it, the descents were similar to those I had just come up, again stunning but a little terrifying at points. The last bend did prove to be one of those moments where your life flashes before your eyes and having a car on my tail didn't really help matters, but I survived and I actually really enjoyed the descent after such a lot of climbing. The only downside, the wrist had started to hurt after the decents...still it was really the first time they have really bothered me.

You would think I'd had enough but no it was onwards through Exmoor into Somerset and the promise of the Quantock Hills that kept me moving. Thankfully I was just skirting the edges and not right in the middle. I was pretty shattered by this time and although I had already met Dad once and sent him on a few miles down the road I was suddenly regretting that decision and wished that he was in the villages I was passing. You can imagine how incredibly pleased I was to see Dad parked up ready in front to collect me and take me to my cousin's for the evening. We had a great evening catching up - it was another of those moments where I had not seen them for a long time.

Day 25 (9th August) Bridgewater to Penhow near Newport Wales

Cycled 81.02 miles Climbed 658m

The plan for today was similar to that the day before, we were going to spend some time cycling together before Dad returned to the car and then drove to meet me further up the route - this meant I was pannier free for the majority of the day. Dad dropped me at the lay-by he had meet meme in the previous day, before driving on to Bridgewater to park the car. We meet in Bridgewater and cycled to Weston-super-Mare, via Burnham-on-Sea trying to follow NCN route, this not very successful as we kept losing the signs - see it's not just me that this happens to.

It was really nice to be cycling down some country lanes where we could have a bit more of a chat.

I'd forgotten how touristy Weston-super-Mare was and loved seeing the traditional parts with donkey rides still being given on the beach.

At this point that we split up, Dad went back to the car and I cycled on through to Bristol on the A370 - which is pretty terrifying at times. It's a fast road and the cars don't give you much space. I was relieved it was over and had reached Bristol. I enjoyed the experience of cycling over the Clifton Suspension Bridge, it's a beautiful ride or walk and I recommend it to anyone whose in the area, the views are just amazing.

Once over the bridge it was time to head down to the A4 and the road I had seen from the bridge above. I had the normal experience of trying to get onto the road as I was not allowed to turn right. After some negotiation I managed to make sure I was heading in the right direction and was thankful for the cycle path alongside, as it was a terrifying road. I was then pretty much on busy roads and corresponding cycle paths all the way into Avonmouth and then the Aust services, where I meet up with Dad for a coffee.

It was time to put those panniers on again before finishing my day head heading into Wales. It was tough to leave Dad and say goodbye (I am really missing the family) but at least I knew I was achieving a new goal by heading into Wales. It was pretty late and I knew I wasn't going to make it all the way to Newport so my friend Shirish met me on route. It was good to see him especially considering he was instrumental in getting me into these long term cycle rides having planned that LeJog trip I took part in all those years ago. I had a lovely evening with Shirish and Ange and enjoyed a very restful day at theirs the next day.

Day 26 (11th of August) Newport to Swansea. Miles cycled 72.4 meters climbed 899

After a relaxing day off in Usk and lots of good chats - thanks guys, it was time to set off for my old uni town of Swansea. I was really looking forward to this ride as I knew It would bring back many memories. Shirish cycled the first part with me and I was grateful not just for the company but this meant i didnt have to navigate. Thanks.

We picked up the route along the coast as much as possible leaving from St Brides and heading in towards the Cardiff Docks. It was a lovely ride and again we were able to sit and chat while cycling along, having a little reminisce of the rides we had done together. We wanted to go across the Barrage in Cardiff and picked a route to the docks only to get stuck inside them, At one point we thought we would have to cycle all the way back however thanks to some quick thinking by Shirish and lots of attempts managed to get security to open a different gate. It was good to be in Cardiff and see bits of it that I hadn't actually ever really been to before.

After Cardiff we headed to Barry- just as the rain and drizzle started. Shirish left me there to try and get back before he got too wet. I continued and the drizzle started getting heavier and heavier I stopped add a garage on the edge of Barry and met a lovely guy who just wanted to make sure I was ok and not lost. It was time to head on and I picked up the coastal route towards Swansea this would be a stunning ride normally but but I couldn't see much through the mist and the rain - Wales really was welcoming me. So I continued towards Bridgeport and Porthcawl and eventually on to Port Talbot, the rain continued with me sometimes heavy sometimes just that light mist but always present. I had to resort to stopping in another garage just for a little bit of refuge and in a multi-storey car park to try and figure out the way. Having reached Port Talbot I followed the cycle route all the way in to Swansea. It looks so different, so much has changed and the road in just seemed to go on forever, in fact a couple of times I questioned whether I was on the right road but eventually I came to town. I continued along the front to the Old campus and then up towards where I was meant to be staying, deciding for some reason (honestly it wasn't a mistake 😉) to head to the student village and on to Killay, although it's completely out the way. It did bring back many memories so I don't regret the diversion too much. It did mean I got caught in an even heavier rain shower so I was a rather dripping wet person who arrived to stay with Chris and Keith - sorry guys for bringing so much water in with me. They were fabulous and put me straight in the shower before helping dry everything out ready to start again the next day. It was a fab evening catching up again I'm so pleased to be back in Swansea after all this time even the weather is as I remember.

I got up ready to start again the next day for it to be pouring down, tough decisions to be made but i decided to staystay and not get drenched all over again. This allowed me to also go and collect a parcel and buy some more dry can never have too many😁😁

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