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So Grateful

I have decided to do my blog in a slightly different way. Rather than doing it day by day. I am going to give a few stats and then have more of a theme to the blog. Let me know what you think and what works better.

Day 15, (30th July) South Milton to Plymouth, stayed with warm showers host Kat and Steve.Steve. Miles 39.73, climbing 1102m.

Day 16, (1st August) Plymouth to St Austell, stayed at Eden Lodge. Miles cycled 42.62, metres climbed 1279

Day 17, (2nd August ) , St Austell to Falmouth, stayed at Falmouth lodge. Miles cycled 49.05, metres climbed 1293.

Day 18, (3rd August) Falmouth to the Lizard, stayed in Air B&B. Miles cycled 45.58 , metres climbed 947. I made it to the most southerly point. 😀

I had a wobble during the days after Swanage and really benefitted from the kindness of strangers. I have continued to be surprised and blessed by the people and the attitudes I have been shown all the way round.

This really stood out for me with Kat and Steve, they really understood how I was feeling and went out of their way to make things easier for me. A lot of this journey is a head battle and I was beginning to lose mine. Questions like why am I doing this? Isn't there an easier way to spend my time off work? Does it really matter if I dont carry on? Were constantly going through my mind whilst cycling. That makes a tough day even tougher, steep hills seem and feel even steeper and heavy bikes just seem ridiculous. However after mucking them around with the Day I was going to arrive (due to the storms), not only did they appear happy to move the day but also invited me to have a rest day at theirs to get my head back together again. Okay so they have been there, and get what it feels like on some days, but still to open your home to a perfect stranger and to offer extra before you have met them is amazing.

Staying with them was like being with old friends, they have really thought about how they want to receive people and do it well. I loved our conversation throughout the two days, their philosophy on life and just being able to slot into their family life, whilst still having plenty if time and space to myself. I felt really rejuvenated by the time I left.

It was as I was making my way along to St Austell, that I was struck by all I had be Grateful for. The time off work ( i am missing you all-not work but the people), the fact that I have been supported by friends and family on yet another crazy journey, the simple fact that real life feels so different I no longer know what day it is, the chats with people from tourists to shop Keepers, to cyclists I meet on the road as I go round. Being able to remind myself of all the good does help the hard bits.

Eden Yard Lodge

The welcome at Eden yard backpackers and Falmouth lodge backpackers was exemplary. The interest that people there have shown in my journey (Judi, Liz and Emily, at Falmouth particularly) helping me see not only is this doable but actually is quite something thing to be undertaking.undertaking. They believed in me.

The air b&b, being so comfortable and welcoming and again going that extra mike to make sure I felt

at home and had everything I needed. It was great to just be able to sit and chat with them after a long day.

Mostly however I am grateful of the fact that I am able to do this, not just physically but actually that my life allows me to. Not many people get an opportunity like this and I know I need to make the most of it.

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